We’re having another heat wave, so I didn’t sleep well last night. I got some stuff done, but it wasn’t my most productive day ever.
I proofed three chapters of layouts and input those corrections. In the process, I realized that there was a mistake in one of the headers (just a formatting error—I didn’t misspell my name or use the wrong title or anything funny like that). So I needed to fix that for all 10 chapters that had been laid out, and since I was doing that anyway, I went ahead and followed my own advice, scooting the headers and chapter numbers to just inside the margins. I’m glad I poked through the “POD publishing” tag on this blog—better to do it to 10 chapters now than 31 chapters later….
ETA: I laid out the front matter, too—that’s easy and doesn’t take long, so it’s a good thing to do when you’re tired.