Progress report

I heard back from the copy editor of Tribulations, which makes me hopeful it will return to me sooner rather than later. So today I updated the cover, since that needs to happen. That was a more-complicated one, so I’m glad it’s done.

I’m going to be pretty busy the next week or so, so I’ll probably take a little holiday from book stuff. Then if Tribulations gets back to me, I can put that out, and if not, I’ll get to work on the second romance book (I want to write out the entire series before publication—it’s just that kind of project).



I wrote 2,700 words to do it, yeah! As a whole, the book is 47,000 words long, which kind of puts it between a novella and a novel, but romance novels are often on the short side, so I’m fine with that. The idea is to have nice, bite-sized individual books that are satisfying on their own but also fit together into a longer story.

Progress report

I don’t usually include non-book word counts here, but I had someone ask if maybe I might want to write a 1,000-1,500 word essay about my grandfather in World War II. And I said, Sure, why not? and started poking around to figure out how I might write it. And then I got the bit in my teeth and cranked out a 1,480-word rough draft.

Seriously, I don’t know if they really want this, but—whoo!