I was able to edit another three chapters today, whoo!!
Progress report
Yeah, May was a bit of a lost cause—a lot of post-tax stuff to take care of, and I’ve undertaken a large landscaping project that was really hard on my hands! I’m doing better with it now (the right braces can make a huge difference), but I figured I should try something that was less typing intensive for now. So I’m editing Book 3—I did three chapters today, and you know, I enjoyed it! Whoo!
Progress report
Boy, tax season sure is fun! Anyway, I’m hoping that soon I can get things better balanced so that I can focus on Book 4! Today I did some edits on Book 3, plus some poking around for cover art for Book 4. Baby steps!
Progress report
Back at it! Started in on Book 4, and did 1,980 words! Whoo!
Epilogue is done! Whoooo!!!
The first draft of Book 3 is effectively DONE, although there will be an epilogue to set up the next book that I still have to write.
Progress report
1,780 words, whoo!
It’s spring and the yard needs a lot of heavy work, plus I’m close to the end now, so I feel like it’s OK not to make a big push on the book at the moment. It should be done fairly soon….
Progress report
1,300 words!
Progress report
1,600 words, whoo!
Progress report
1,300 words! Whoo!
Progress report
1,500 words, plus some editing! Whoo!
Progress report
I finished the new version of the cover for Book 2! I’m happy with how it turned out. Apparently when you have a really bad-ass character who is supposed to look absolutely terrifying (scars, broken nose, etc), BUT you want him to look romantic for the cover (hidden depths!), the key is: Have him close his eyes. Works wonders.
Progress report
Not a great day for writing for a variety of reasons, but I was able to do some editing, plus I cobbled together a (very) rough draft of the new cover for the second book. Whoo!
Progress report
2,300 words, whoo!
I’ve been thinking about the Book 2 cover, and I think I am going to redo it (not right now, but later on). I have an idea that I think will work, and I think as a rule with covers that you have to prioritize communicating with the reader over other factors.
Progress report
Finished the cover for book three! Whoo!
Progress report
Got a lot done on the third cover—I decided to go ahead and do it, but after that I’ll get back to writing.
Progress report
I finished the cover for the second book today—it’s a bit of a quandary for me because I wound up with a cover that I think is very true to the couple, but it’s not a clinch. The clinch is actually kind of important in the romance genre, because it helps convey to readers the heat level of the story—a couple getting handsy/naked on the cover means that they’re doing that inside as well.
This series is fairly adult, so I feel a bit odd about this cover—the couple is being a bit weird, but nothing romantic or explicitly sexual. In a way, it works, because they are an odd couple (quite a bit stranger than the other couples in the series). I think readers will be OK as long as the rest of the book covers and the descriptions take a more-traditional approach.
Progress report
I got some work done on the cover for the second book—the artwork of the woman is more or less done, I think. Hopefully I’ll be able to finish it tomorrow, and then I think I’ll just get back to writing.
Here's one
I more or less (you know, at this point) finished the cover for the first romance book, so here it is:
Progress report
Whew! Well, I didn’t get much sleep last night, so I wasn’t expecting to be very productive today, and indeed other than a little editing, I wasn’t. But then I decided I should start trying to figure out the covers, and I hit on a cover design for the series that I really like. We’ll see how things go with the actual artwork, but I like the basic template a lot. I seen other people recommend this, but I do think that if you’re going for a specific feel for a cover, color-picking from photographs or artwork that are of the place or the period is really helpful.
Also, I used new GIMP for the first time today—it looks different from old GIMP, but it basically operates the same, so it was a pretty quick learning curve.